Putting On The Whole Armor Of God

Spiritual warfare is a hazardous and unavoidable reality in the lives of every human being, especially Christians. None of us are safe. We need an appropriate system of defense. In Ephesians 6:10-18, Paul gives us a list of weapons and gear for spiritual warfare known as the Armor of God. Do not dismiss this as Biblical poetry. These are literal pieces of armor designed specifically to defend the Christian against all supernatural attacks. You cannot survive without them.

Verse 12 says that our battles are not waged against physical opponents, but against principalities and powers of wicked spiritual forces in high places of the supernatural sphere. To put it another way, none of our enemies are human. None of our problems originate from natural circumstances even though they may appear to be. No matter what's going on, our enemies are invisible super-beings who've been waging war against the people of God for thousands of years. They use the human beings and circumstances in our lives as camouflage as well as our own thoughts and emotions. If you're a Christian, that means you signed up for this whether you like it or not because Ephesians 6:12 doesn't seem to give us any option to go A.W.O.L. Fortunately for us, everything that follows verse 12 turns out to be a complete and thorough military intelligence report with a tactical of the enemies' battle-plans, the weapons they always use and the spots they always target.

Each piece of armor that's listed tells us something about what it is that Satan attacks us with and how to be protected from those attacks. For example, a single blow to the bowels or the groin could disable any soldier regardless of their courage or their skills. That's why Paul tells us to gird our loins with the Belt of Truth because Satan will attack us where we're most vulnerable with lies and deception. The Breastplate of Righteousness covers our heart because Satan attacks our heart with feelings of shame and guilt to make us question our standing with the Lord. The Shoes of Peace cover our feet because Satan attacks our footsteps with fears and anxieties to either push us off course or prevent us from standing firm. See how this works?

Even the order in which the pieces are listed is important because each piece works as support for the next piece. Truth enables us to be in right standing with God. Being in right standing with God enables us to stand in peace. Standing in peace enables us to shield ourselves with stronger faith. Stronger faith enables us to then advance against the enemy with offensive weapons which are also listed.

So each piece has to be put on in the order they are given. The only exception to this is the 7th piece which is prayer. Prayer is the outer layer of defense which must be activated immediately and continually whether we're fully suited or completely naked according to Paul in verse 18. It's the only defense we've got until we're suited up. Once we're equipped, then prayer moves beyond being a defensive weapon and then becomes a powerful offensive weapon. With the exception of prayer, all remaining pieces must be put on in the exact order they're given, otherwise they won't work.

So let's dive into this and find out what each piece is, how it works and how to put it on.

Armor Inventory:
1. The Belt Of Truth.
2. The Breastplate Of Righteousness.
3. The Shoes Of Peace.
4. The Shield Of Faith.
5. The Helmet Of Salvation.
6. The Sword Of The Spirit.
7. Praying Always & In The Spirit.

The 1st layer is the Belt of Truth which Paul tells us to gird around our loins because it is our most vulnerable areas that Satan will attack with lies and deception. Our intellect and education will not protect us. 2nd Corinthians 4:4 says that Satan is the one who keeps our eyes and our mind BLINDED from seeing truth even when we're looking right at it. So we need something of greater power on a spiritual level to protect us from Satan's blinders.

Jesus said in John 8:31-32 that if we abide in His Word, then we will know the truth and the truth will make us free. Knowing the truth is more powerful than believing the truth. We can't be deceived if we KNOW the truth. According to Jesus, this is something that happens when we abide in His Word. Abiding in His Word means becoming familiar with it, making it our dwelling place, trusting it, leaning upon it and making it our home. These are attributes of abiding that take time to develope. The first and biggest hurdle to getting started is beginning to read the Bible on a regular basis. If we've fallen out of the habit, then it requires a commitment to get it going again. But we've got to do it. We can't put on the Belt of Truth or the rest of the armor without it.

If reading the Bible sounds intimidating, ask the Lord to give you a desire and hunger for His Word. He will answer that prayer. He will even give you ideas about where to start and which translations to use. Then, try to make a daily commitment to reading at least a chapter a day and talking with the Lord while you're reading. We won't always understand what we're reading and we need His widsom there with us to help us. Sometimes, a passage that bothers us will suddenly become crystal clear as we talk it out with Him. Other times, the Lord may promt us to just skip it and keep reading with the assurance that we'll understand it later. Over time, as we continue to do this, our understanding will increase. God promises us in James 1:5 that if any of us is lacking in wisdom, just ask for it and we'll get it. God wants us praying and asking questions while we read His Word.

Then, the way we actually strap on the Belt of Truth is found in 2nd Corinthians 10:5 where Paul tells us not to believe everything we think but instead, "lead every thought captive into the obedience of Christ" i.e. His Word.

When 2nd Corinthians 10:5 says to "take every thought captive" it really means it. Our brain is like a computer that's been infected with malicious software. We can't trust and rely upon everything that's going on up in there. It's been infected with software from the world culture, which is opposed to God according to James 4:4. It's been infected with the software of our sin nature and harmful appetites according to Romans 8:7. It's been infected with malware straight from Satan himself known as "arrows from the wicked one" according to Ephesians 6:10-18. So with all that going on up in there, no wonder Paul warns us to take every thought captive.

Proverbs 16:25 "There is a way which seems right, but at the end of it are the ways of death."

Proverbs 3:5-7 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. Don't be wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil."

Psalm 32:8 "I the Lord will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and guide you with My eye upon you."

Our search and discovery of all truth, guided by God's personal direction via daily prayer and Bible study is the foundation for which the rest of the Armor of God is built. Without the Belt of Truth, we're in bondage to all of Satan's deception. There is no other defense. Too many professed Christians today are victims of Satan's lies because they've built most of their education and personal viewpoints from the wisdom of this world without filtering it first through God's Belt of Truth.

It doesn't matter whether we're talking about issues that are political, religious, cultural, social, marital, sexual, financial, supernatural, historical, whether we're reading books, magazines, watching television, documentaries, surfing the net or just listening to the voices of friends and family, there are 5 immovable facts of reality that WE MUST ALWAYS HAVE ESTABLISHED IN OUR HEART if we're to wear the Belt of Truth:

1. Our world has made Satan it's god according to 2nd Corinthians 4:4.

2. God considers the wisdom of this world to be foolishness according to 1st Corinthians 3:19.

3. Respectful fear of the Lord is the beginning of true wisdom and understanding according to Proverbs 9:10.

4. A true follower of Jesus Christ abides in God's Word according to John 8:31-32

5. ...and brings all theories and arguments in opposition to God's Word into alignment with God's Word according to II Corinthians 10:4-5.

That is the Belt of Truth. If those 5 immovable facts of reality are permanently engraved on our heart, then we can talk to anyone, watch any documentary, read any book or magazine, research any topic without fear of deception because God is with us in our research, instructing us and teaching us in the way we should go; counseling us and guiding us with His eye upon us. This is how I managed to survive watching countless hours of paranormal documentaries during the 1990s without being deceived. It also protected me from many deceptive ministries I've investigated over the years.

Our search and discovery of truth is the foundation. Without truth, we're in bondage to deception, Satan wins, game over. With the truth, we can then move on to the next piece of armor.

Righteousness can mean "sinless" or "holy" but it can also mean "right standing with God". Satan will often attack our heart with feelings of guilt and shame to make us feel uncertain about where we stand with the Lord.

There's a few things we can do to keep this from happening.

First, we should always remember that we've never had our own righteousness to begin with according to Isaiah 64:6 and if we have believed in the Lord Jesus to save us from the penalty of our sins, then all of our sins (past, present & future) are covered by His blood on the Cross according to Romans 3:23-24. We're no longer criminals in a court before a righteouse judge, we're now adopted children in a relationship with a loving Father. Nothing can change that.

Second, instead of trying to cover up our heart's weaknessess with excuses and self-righteousness, we should just be honest about who we are when we're spending time with the Lord in prayer because Hebrews 4:13-16 says "all things are open and exposed, naked and defenseless to the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do." And even more than that, "He's able to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses because He was tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning." So we might as well be honest and acknowledge everything when we pray: the good, the bad and the ugly. He already knows it all anyway and He understands.

To clear our conscience, we have 1st John 1:7-10 which is known as the Christian's Bar of Soap. It promises Jesus' gift of cleansing, forgiveness and continued fellowship with Him when we openly acknowledge our natural sinfulness. We commit sins everyday. We're human beings. John tells us "If we say we have not sinned, we contradict His Word and make Him out to be a liar, and His Word is not in us. But if we confess (or acknowledge) our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

The cleansing and forgiveness that this passage is referring to is different from the cleansing and forgiveness that we received at salvation. All of our sins (past, present & future) were covered by the Blood of Jesus when we were saved. The cleansing and forgiveness that this passage is talking about is the cleansing of our heart: our emotions and our thoughts. It's amazing how quickly and easily the Lord will change our heart to align with His once we're just honest and open with Him about something we've been feeling, thinking or even doing.

Third, while being honest with the Lord, we should be honest with ourselves. We should always be open to evaluating our heart before the Lord. How are we responding to the truth He's giving us? Are we humble and submissive to what He tells us or are we arrogant and resistent? Are we in a posture of surrendering to Him and what He wants or are we trying to fight Him?

All of us have been stubborn with the Lord at times. None of us are perfect. We're all growing. But if we choose to take a stand against God and willfully embrace something that God has condemned or choose to take a pathway that we know God has forbidden, then we won't be able to put on the Breastplate of Righteousness and we will continue to suffer under Satan's harrassment. We certainly won't be able to put on the next piece of armor which are Shoes of Peace.

Satan attacks our daily walk with intruding thoughts of fear, anxiety and all questions that begin with the words "but what if" to easily manipulate us in our decisions and courses of action.

But if we know the truth, then we can take every thought captive and stand in the truth. (Belt of Truth)

If we stand in the truth, then we're in right-standing with God. (Breastplate of Righteousness)

If we're in right standing with God, then we can stand and move in God's peace according to Philippians 4:6-7 where Paul tells us not to worry about anything but with prayer and thanksgiving, continue to relay everything to God (not to keep God informed, but to keep us connected with God's presence) so that "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, shall guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Isaiah 26:3 says that God will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him, because they trust in Him.

It's amazing how much peace and confidence becomes ours when we're mentally and emotionally connected to God's presence. God's Peace doesn't mean we'll be happy about everything or approve of what we're enduring. It doesn't mean we'll have all the answers. It doesn't mean we'll be relaxed or without pain. But it does mean that once we've entered into God's presence and have placed our desires and concerns into His hands, then we can surrender the outcome to Him in peace even if we don't like what's going on because we know He loves us perfectly and unconditionally and He's in perfect control of even the smallest details.

In Psalm 46:10, God says to "Be still and know that I Am God." Being still in this sense is more than physical. It's mental and emotional as well. The enemy likes to keep our thoughts and feelings churning so that we never have any peace. Once we purpose to mentally and emotionally BE STILL and focus on KNOWING who's God, it changes our perspective.

Psalm 138:8 says "God will perfect that which conerns me." At this point we can trust that whatever we're going through, it is not meaningless. If it's in His hands and under His control, then whatever it is, it is filled with purpose and filtered through His love. We're not victims of anything. Until we see and experience God's purpose in whatever we might be enduring or whatever it is that's happening, we can surrender it to the Lord as an act of worship to Him. However He chooses to respond will be for our best and His glory.

If we still find ourselves buckling under the pressure of anxiety, then we can ask the Lord personally for His peace according to John 14:26-27. Jesus promises us that He will give us His peace, not as the world gives, not circumstantial peace, but His peace which Paul said in Philippians 4:6-7 will transcend all human understanding.

After that, if we STILL find ourselves buckling under the pressure of anxiety, then that can only mean that we haven't successfully put on the Belt of Truth or the Breastplate of Righteousness. God won't put the armor on for us. We have to put it on. God will give us the truth whenever we ask for it but when He does, we have to believe Him and trust Him in order to take a stand against the lies that would give us anxiety.

The Shoes of Peace are available, but we have to put them on. Once we do, then we can begin walking in this life with new goals, new attitudes, new directions, no longer responding to fears, doubts or anxieties.

As long as we continue to live and walk in the truth and in harmony with God's Will, we can continue walking in peace. Then we can take up the next layer of defense: the Shield of Faith.

The enemy is constantly sending us unwanted thoughts and feelings. The first three pieces of armor that we're given are specifically designed to defend the areas of our souls in which those unwanted thoughts are sent. But this next piece of armor is designed to go further and deflect those unwanted thoughts themselves.

Many Christians debate whether Satan has the ability to enter our minds, control our minds, or read our minds. I don't wish to get into any of those debates here, but one thing is certain... Satan does have the ability from outside of our mind, to place unwanted feelings and thoughts into our mind. This isn't a theory, it's Scriptural. Paul called these unwanted feelings and thoughts, "fiery darts" in Ephesians 6:16 and plainly identified the source of those attacks to be from "The Wicked One".

Despite Biblical evidence from Genesis to Revelation of Satanic bombardment upon the human mind, many Christians don't believe Satan can place thoughts into our minds. But he does it all the time and I can prove it to you. How many of you have ever gone somewhere alone with a Bible to pray, got away from all the noises and distractions, started praying and then all of a sudden, you find yourself thinking some twisted, evil, wicked thought while right in the middle of trying to talk to God? In the communications sciences, that's known as hostile interference or hostile jamming. The last thing Satan wants is a Christian praying. Well, if that can happen while you're praying, then it can happen anywhere, under any circumstances, at any given time. It's a subtle tactic of disinformation from the enemy that's camouflaged as our own thoughts. It doesn't have to be lust, it can be fear, it can be anger, it can be impatience with the Lord.

Once we become sensitive to Satan's tactics, then he often resorts to using our friends and family. Privately, we may have taken an unwanted thought captive before a loved one releases it again with a statement of doubt or criticism. A song on the radio might unlock a once captive thought.

Satan knows that we'll believe our own thoughts before we believe his, so we often get Satan's lies disguised as our own thoughts. This is why Paul tells us in 2nd Corinthians 10:5 to take every thought captive and lead it into the obedience of Christ, because if you don't take your thoughts captive, then your thoughts may take you captive. Don't believe everything you think. Those aren't always your thoughts.

If we know we have the truth (Belt of Truth), if we have no guilt (Breastplate of Righteousness), if we're at peace with God and in harmony with His Will (Shoes of Peace), then NOTHING CAN STOP US (Shield of Faith). Any thoughts of doom or fears sent by Satanic forces can easily be deflected by our faith in God's faithfulness. Nothing can separate us from His love, not even our own stubborn will or the will of demonic forces according to Romans 8:31-39. We're even given the confidence of knowing that He Who lives in us is greater and mightier than the agents of the antichrist, i.e. fallen angels and demonic forces according to 1st John 4:4.

Faith is the confident assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen according to Hebrews 11:1. In other words, our protective shield is a shield of confident assurance in God's faithfulness toward us in His love, in who He is, the things He's done, things He's doing, and things He's promised to do. Faith is simply trusting in God's faithfulness no matter what your thoughts are saying or what the circumstances are saying.

Any thoughts of doom or fears sent by Satanic forces can easily be deflected by our faith in God's faithfulness. Without faith in God's faithfulness, then those attacks will begin to wear away at our Shoes of Peace. But if we continue to walk forward or stand firm in our faith in God's faithfulness, then we can attack the enemy who's sending those thoughts of doom by putting on the next two pieces of armor...

The Helmet of Salvation is the most misunderstood piece of armor in the Armor of God. Because of its name, it's assumed by most that getting saved is how the helmet is put on. But Paul was addressing people who were already saved. He was telling Christians to PUT ON the Helmet of Salvation. So this piece of armor isn't our salvation, but it's available to us BECAUSE of our salvation.

The helmet protects our mind and our identity. Once we're saved, we are adopted into the family of God and we're given a new identity with a new nature. But Satan is constantly challenging our granted authority in Christ by undermining our new identity or causing us to forget it. By using the influences of the world, our friends and even our family, the enemy can convince us we really aren't who we think we are and we don't have any authority. That's why Paul says we have to put on the Helmet of our Salvation. Like all the other pieces in the Armor of God, we have to pick it up and put it on. It's freely available to us because of what Jesus has already done, but we have to take it and put it on.

If we know and live in the truth of God's Word (Belt of Truth), and if we're in right standing with God (Breastplate of Righteousness), and if we're standing in His peace (Shoes of Peace), and completely leaning upon His faithfulness (Shield of Faith), then we have the right to wear over our head the authority of our salvation which is the mind and name of Christ Himself.

1st Corinthians 2:12-16 says that we haven't received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God so that we will know the things freely given to us of God. We don't speak of these things in words of human wisdom, but in words of wisdom taught by the Holy Spirit. The natural man doesn't receive these things because it's all foolishness to him and he can't receive them because it requires spiritual discernment. But those with spiritual discernment can judge all things, yet are themselves to be judged by no one. For who has ever known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we do! We have the mind of Christ.

Romans 8:14-17 says that those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. We have not received the spirit of fear, but the Spirit of adoption, in the bliss of which we cry, "Abba (Father)". The Holy Spirit Himself bears witness with our own spirit, that we are the children of God and if we're His children, then we're His heirs also! We're heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ! If we suffer with Him, we will share in His glory!

Ephesians 2:19 says we are no longer strangers to God, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God. We are members of the highest of all royal families!

1st John 3:1 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world doesn't know us, because it didn't know Him."

1st Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

This helmet proclaims our authority in Christ, it protects our identity in Christ and it provides godly wisdom in spiritual discernment. It gives us the power to think like Jesus thinks instead of the way everybody else thinks. It guides and protects us in our research, where to research, what to accept, what to reject, what to put on the back burner until further notice, how to spot red flags, how and when to know when we're being lied to.

The Belt of Truth gives us all the truth we need while the Helmet of Salvation tells us who, what, when, where and how to apply it.

No matter how many years you've been saved, no matter how long you've been following the Lord and no matter how long you've had to deal with spiritual warfare, Satan will never stop trying to convince you that your relationship with the Lord is a pathetic joke. He will never stop trying to convince you that the paths of your life aren't ordered by the Lord but are the result of random chaos. He will never stop trying to convince you that the world knows better, that the world is smarter, that the world's ways are happier and more beneficial, that the world has all the facts of reality and that trusting in Jesus and His Word is like believing in Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy. He's always telling Christians that they're beneath the people of this world, that they're fools and childish with their pathetic little Bible verses and cliches. Satan is very narcissistic, you know. He will never freely acknowledge who you are in Christ. He will never freely respect it. He will never freely honor it. That's why you have to put on the Helmet of Salvation and make him acknowledge it, make him respect it and make him honor it.

It's the people of the world and their relationship with the enemy that's a pathetic joke. It's their paths in life that are nothing but chaos. It's the Lord Who knows better than they do. It's the Lord who is smarter than they are. It's the Lord whose ways are happier and more beneficial than theirs. It's the Lord who has all of the facts of reality. Therefore, it's those who trust in themselves and in the wisdom of this world who truly believe in Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy.

The Helmet of Salvation overrules what everyone else thinks. We don't have to believe their lies, respond to their criticisms, feel shame for the things they say we should be ashamed of, run around doing and saying what they think we should be doing and saying. We don't have to fear. We have Christ's given authority as an adopted member of the Royal Family of God Who is destined to RULE with HIM.

We wear the authority that comes from our adoption as sons and daughters of the living God (Helmet of Salvation). With this adoption, we're given the mind of Christ according to 1st Corinthians 2:14-16. Our mind is now capable of grasping Spiritual truths and realities that normal human beings are incapable of comprehending. With our authority in Christ, we are now capable of utilizing the power of Scripture in a way that before was unthinkable, which is the next layer of armor...

Paul comes right out and tells us that the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. We put on the Belt of Truth by abiding in God's Word but then we use the Sword of the Spirit by verbally quoting God's Word into the face of enemy. Jesus Himself fought the enemy with this Sword. He didn't use Jedi mind tricks or force lightning. He spoke the Word of God to Satan's face.

The first time we saw Jesus do this was in Matthew 4:1-11 while Satan was attacking Him with thoughts of pride, hunger, fear, exhaustion and the longing to end human suffering. With each and every attack, Jesus responded to the enemy with the verbal quotation of Scripture. Every time! The enemy tried to pick up the sword and fight back using the same tactics, but Jesus prevailed.

The last time we will see Jesus do this is recorded in Revelation 19:11-21 when Jesus overthrows Satan and the armies of the Antichrist with the Sword coming out of His mouth.

The Sword of the Spirit to attack the enemy is the Word of God. 2nd Corinthians 6:4-7 says that we approve ourselves as true servants and ministers of God through all manner of spiritual warfare by speaking the word of truth in the power of God with the weapons of righteousness on the right hand to attack (Sword of the Spirit) and on the left hand to defend (Shield of Faith).

Whenever we're attacked by the enemy, we should respond by speaking outloud a passage of Scripture that contradicts Satan's deceptive lies and reaffirms the truth of God. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged physical sword because this Spiritual Sword can actually cut between the soul and the spirit and discern the thoughts and purposes of the heart. God Himself holds His Word even higher than His own Name according to Psalm 138:2.

Every attack of the enemy is designed to challenge our trust in the Lord's faithfulness. So whenever we wake up in the middle of the night bombarded with regrets, longings, fears or anxieties accompanied with all of the "what if" questions about something, we should answer those questions outloud with Scripture. And I do mean out loud. The enemy needs to hear it. That's how the Sword of the Spirit works.

I've noticed for myself that many times when I'm under attack, I often make the mistake of assuming I'm just quietly thinking when I'm actually being attacked by the enemy. A lot of times what we call "quietly thinking" is actually Satan screaming his head off. It's no wonder we can't sleep. The next mistake I often make is when I try to argue with the enemy using my own reasoning and experience. When I do that, it only makes things worse.

The only way to defeat the enemy is with the Sword of the Spirit. I have to stand upon the Written Word of God and speak those divine truths outloud in responce to every lie I'm thinking or feeling. Now be warned: just as he did with Jesus, Satan may come back with a Bible verse of his own! But that's just spiritual swordplay. You've got to know your Bible and swing back. He will flee.

This is just another reason why we should be abiding in God's Word so that not only would we remain protected in Truth (Belt of Truth), but so that our Sword of the Spirit would remain sharpened and ready for use at a moments notice.

The Armor of God is made up of 6 pieces of armor. Throughout the Bible, the number 6 is always symbolic of something that is incomplete. The Holy Spirit is telling us here that the Armor of God by itself is incomplete. It won't work without something else. This is why Paul wraps it up in verse 18 by saying we should be praying ALWAYS. We can't PUT ON the Armor of God without praying and we can't WEAR the Armor of God without praying either. Prayer is that 7th something, the outer layer, which makes the Armor of God complete. Chuck Missler called this "staying in contact with our Commanding General."

Paul says that we should be praying ALWAYS and IN THE SPIRIT. This is very important and I'm afraid that I have to make a very controversial statement so that we don't misunderstand what praying in the Spirit really means. It is not a prayer language, it is not a spirit language, it has nothing to do with speaking in tongues. Many Christians today think of speaking in tongues when they hear someone tell them to pray in the Spirit, but that's not what Paul's talking about here. Praying in the Spirit means to pray in line with the Will and Word of God. Paul told us that the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, so praying in the Spirit is praying in line with the Word of God.

Praying is the most important and powerful thing we do as Christians. Putting on the Armor of God is impossible to do without prayer. God supplies us with the Armor, but He won't put it on us. We have to put it on ourselves and that can't be done without prayer.

I used to make the mistake of thinking I was putting on the Armor of God by praying the following:
"Dear Lord, put on me the whole Armor of God. Put the Belt of Truth around my loins, the Breastplate of Righteousness over my heart, the Shoes of Peace on my feet, the Shield of Faith over my whole body, the Helmet of Salvation over my head and the Sword of the Spirit in my hand, in Jesus Name, Amen."
But it doesn't work that way. The armor can't be put on for us, we have to put it on and that's not possible without praying for God's direction and provision. In reviewing the 6 pieces of Armor, it's noticeable how vital prayer is in the application of every piece.

Girding our loins with the Belt of Truth requires abiding in God's Word and that isn't possible without asking God to draw us in, to direct our paths, to open our ears to hear and understand what He's saying and how to apply it. We also need Him to enable us mentally and emotionally for this because our natural tendencies will be to reject what we're reading. We need His wisdom, understanding and spiritual discernment through every step of this. We also require His wisdom and discernment when listening to information from sources outside the Bible to know what is and isn't true. None of this is possible without praying always.

Wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness can't be done without being honest and open with the Lord at all times. That's how we keep our hearts clean and the lines of communication open.

Wearing the Shoes of Peace can't be done without prayer because the enemy is always trying to divert our footsteps with fears, anxiety or impatience. Only the awareness of the presence of God, resting in His presence and standing in what He's told us will supply us with His perfect peace.

Taking up the Shield of Faith can't be done without prayer because it's ultimately His faithfulness that we're trusting when we carry that shield. We can't trust God if we don't know Him and we can't know Him if we're not communicating with Him on a frequent and regular basis. The more we're with Him in prayer, listening to Him, believing and trusting in what He says and standing in His peace, the stronger our shield of Faith.

Wearing the Helmet of our Salvation can't be done without prayer because our authority in Christ and our identity in Christ is invisible without prayer. With the Shield of Faith, praying keeps us reminded of WHO JESUS IS. With the Helmet of Salvation, praying keeps us reminded of WHO WE ARE... that is in Christ. Our identity is in Him and our authority comes from Him. Both of these things are easy to forget unless we're praying always.

Knowing how to use the Sword of the Spirit is certainly impossible without prayer. We need to keep our spiritual senses in tune with the Lord at all times so that our responses to the enemy in battle are swift and effective.

NOW!!! NOW!!! With the whole Armor of God complete, we can pray effectively without interference and with perfect clarity, interceding on behalf of whoever needs it. We can go beyond the immediate needs of ourselves and actually touch the lives of anyone and everyone out there who needs it.

Matter, energy, time and space mean nothing. We can pray for anything, for anyone anywhere. When we're ready to pray at a moment's notice, God will begin to make us sensitive to people who need prayer, people we know and people we don't know, complete strangers or people in the news or entertainment. He will make us sensitive to their needs and what to pray for. There isn't anyone out there anywhere that you cannot touch with prayer.

I said at the beginning of this post that spiritual warfare is a hazardous and unavoidable reality in the lives of everyone, especially Christians. It truly is. Everyone everywhere needs our prayers. I also said at the beginning of this post that none of us are safe. But if we're prayerfully wearing the complete Armor of God, I think we can be safe. Everything has been provided. We just need to put it on and then wear it. Everyday.